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Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 4 - planning until 2038 - consultation
As at 13th March 2025 18:06 GMT
Re: Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 4 - planning until 2038 - consultation
Posted by grahame at 08:13, 22nd January 2025
Draft response from me -  at

Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback on Wiltshire's Local Transport Plan 4.

Overarching principles are an important framework and for the most part good and well stated. Specifics are thinner than I would like to see, and the whole therefore needs to be read in conjunction with other policies and documents.

[continues - 5 pages ...]

Re: Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 4 - planning until 2038 - consultation
Posted by grahame at 10:14, 20th November 2024
The consultation doesn't open for a week yet, and the press release talking about it does not include any links so that we can start reading into it.  However, the LTP4 is out there in public if you want to start reading in the cabinet papers for yesterday.  If you want to see them rather that having to dig I have mirrored them. - Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 4; Cabinet Report - Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 4; Core - Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 4; Place Based - Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 4; Sub Strategies - Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 4; Carbon

Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 4 - planning until 2038 - consultation
Posted by grahame at 09:21, 20th November 2024

LTP4 sets out the council's objectives and plans for transport in Wiltshire during the period 2025-2038. It covers all areas of transport, including road safety, highway network management and enhancement, car parking, buses, rail, walking and wheeling, freight, electric vehicles and more. It also provides the framework for all other organisations with involvement in transport in the county.

As Wiltshire is a large rural county, the transport needs vary, because what is required in a large town or city is different what is needed in rural areas. To ensure the plan is effective for all residents of Wiltshire, the plan is place-led and aligned to the Wiltshire Local Plan, with a focus on three different place types: principal settlements, which covers Salisbury, Trowbridge and Chippenham; market towns; and rural areas.

Public Consultation opens on 28th November

The consultation on LPT4 will [now] begin on Thursday 28 November and run until Friday 24 January 2025. People will be able to find out more and ask questions at webinars that will be held on:

Tuesday 3 December at 6pm
Monday 13 January at 6pm

I note that the Wiltshire Council graphics include a pedestrian, a bicycle, a car, a bus and a lorry - but does not include a train. Is there any reflection there of the relative importance of these modes as seen by the people who have put LTP4 out to consultation?

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